Spanish Riding School - MORNING EXERCISE
The training of the Lipizzaner stallions
The Morning Exercise offers an insight into the years of training of the Lipizzaners and their riders. Accompanied by classical Viennese music the riders and their horses do simple relaxing exercises and exercises aimed at refining and perfecting a certain movement. Each rider is personally responsible for the training of the stallion entrusted into his care. Through the specific strengthening and building up of the muscles, the horses’ natural movements are developed into the perfect figures of the “High School”.
As we do not want to put too much strain on the horses, the classical School jumps Levade, Courbette and Capriole, which are shown during the performances, are not practised on a daily basis.
Almost every day, the white Lipizzan stallions are put through their paces by their riders. The primary objective is to maintain the horses' athleticism and health, as well as to build up various muscle groups that are necessary for performing the exercises of the haute école. Come and experience our Morning Exercises performed to music!
Openning hours:
Almost every day 10:00-12:00 hrs
approx. 2 hours
Michaelerplatz 1, A-1010 Wien
Michaelerplatz 1, A-1010 Wien
Children under the age of 3 are not allowed to attend Morning Exercise.
Taking pictures and filming is not permitted.